Your Random Music (Let's Talk)

A close-up photo of a large CD player with a digital display and many types of controls.

Your Random Music (Let's Talk)

The Funk Mistress has this to say:

So I love when we do these threads about what music we're listening to. Last time it was five bands you've been listening to lately. So I thought I'd do something different this time.

Go into your music player and set it to random. List the first five bands / songs that come on and tell what you like about that band and why you have them on your playlist.

Even if you don't LOVE them or even listen to them that often.

Top Comments

Zath comments:
I don't know how to work with my playlist. 

I tried one time and after failing miserably never tried since... I pick my songs manually like an ape. I'm living in freakin' biblical times over here. And I'm talking pre-second coming.

BlindPanzer comments:

“In Human Form”
This is Death at their peak.

Mixing jazz time signatures, fretless bass thanks to Steve DiGiorgio, and Gene Hoglan on drums, it's a lineup that would make any band envious.

Death is as good as metal gets PERIOD.

“Psalm of Lydia”
Nevermore... incredibly heavy, refreshingly melodic. Awesome songwriting.

Nevermore don't go all prog in writing songs, just straight heavy metal. They've hit their stride with the last couple of albums, yet even if you know what type of sound to expect, you will still get blown away.

Jeff Loomis is one of the best guitarists out there, incredibly underrated.

Pain of Salvation
“People Passing By”
Do I even need to explain how awesome this band is?

Any song they make has a stamp of quality and imagination that is rare to find in music.

The Funk Mistress knows this song rocks.

The PoS fanbase is growing in Miami....

“The Great Deceiver”
Evergrey is one of the easiest listening experiences. Very straightforward and melodic, yet with hints of darkness.

Awesome band live too. This song is one of their more power metal type songs, yet contains enough variety to keep the more musically inclined entertained throughout.

Cult of Luna
“Vague Illusions”
Cult of Luna may not be the best sludge / post rock band out there (the crown still belongs to Isis) but they still rock enough to be in my playlist.

I'd say to download Isis first, for a glimpse at a criminally underrated band.

The Funk Mistress comments:
Zath: Then just pick 5 bands off the top of your head. Or close your eyes and click at random 5 times. <3

BlindPanzer: “People Passing By” IS an awesome song, but “Imago” is still my favorite (followed closely by “Used” and “Reconciliation”).

Electric Six
“Radio Ga Ga”
I just think that aside from being good musicians, they're hilarious.

They make me laugh with their crazy songs. But I can't say much. It's not like they're terribly deep or anything. I just enjoy them.

Pete Yorn
Please do not ask me to explain.

I have no explanation or excuse. I do not particularly like him as a person or a musician. I do not even think he is that talented. I just know that when I am wicked depressed and want to feel sorry for myself, he has some choice self-pitying music.

now back to the blog...

Reel Big Fish
“Brand New Song”
Everyone (DJ Benny) who is gonna b*tch about ska better just shut the hell up.

I do not think ska is some amazing music form. I do listen to it on occasion, specifically in the form of Reel Big Fish. I luff them. They are stupid and funny.

Pete Yorn is to sadness as Reel Big Fish is to immaturity.

Who does not enjoy a band who writes a song called “Scott's a Dork” about their trombone player?

She Wants Revenge
“She Loves Me, She Loves Me”
These guys I like a lot. They have a very different sound to them.

Not like they are amazing or ground breaking or anything. I just think the singer has a very unique voice and style.

Pedro the Lion
“A Mind Of Her Own”
I found this band when I was doing a search online a looong time ago and they popped up by accident.

I liked the name so I DL'ed them and then I downloaded a few more of their songs. They're a little... odd. But I like.

My favorite is “Be Thou My Vision” which I am pretty sure is about God. But in my head, he just loves his girlfriend a lot and refers to her as a him.

Zath comments:
Metal with jazz time signatures? Sounds interesting!

And ska is cool. Operation Ivy kicks ass

“Third Eye”
I became obsessed with this band during senior year of high school. I mean, really obsessed.

Then I kind of stopped listening to them and then rediscovered them a few weeks ago. I like every song they've made.

Venetian Snares
“Befriend A Child Killer”
I discovered this guy while listening to the campus radio station. I discovered this song on YouTube from some AMV. It's electronic music, good stuff.

We are Scientists
“The Great Escape”
These people aren't really legitimate scientists, but whatever. Anyone who thinks about science is a scientist.

Great song, great music video.

The Pillows
“Crazy Sunshine”

Need I say more?

Alright, the general consensus is that this band sucks... but hold on, BlindPanzer!

Now some, or most of these songs, you may consider to be generic in both lyrics and music, but!... These songs have deeper meaning, like any other song has.

And even if expressed in simple, grungy vocabulary, it's still pretty meaningful. And generic music is always good.

Hey, if it makes you dance, if it makes you bang your head, then who cares, right?

Oh, and I also like every song they've ever made for some reason.

now back to the blog...

BlindPanzer responds:

Zath wrote:
Alright, the general consensus is that this band sucks... but hold on, BlindPanzer!

Now some, or most of these songs, you may consider to be generic in both lyrics and music, but!... These songs have deeper meaning, like any other song has.

And even if expressed in simple, grungy vocabulary, it's still pretty meaningful. And generic music is always good.

Hey, if it makes you dance, if it makes you bang your head, then who cares, right?

Oh, and I also like every song they've ever made for some reason.

Lol. Wow, went into the defensive quickly, didn't you? Am I viewed as a progsnob or what?!

I have no doubt that Nirvana means to people more than it does to me. Like a book or poem, we relate our own experiences when listening to music. Which brings me to my problem, the fact that their music CLEARLY was exploiting the emotions of the depressed kid in the corner.

I'm all for doomy music (just ask The Funk Mistress about some of the post-rock sludge bands I listen to) but to me, Nirvana is revered as something much greater than the sum of its part.

Can I argue with your opinion about them? Probably not.

Maybe the problem I have is the fact people sort of look up to Cobain as a role model. Like Elvis before him, death was the best career move he pulled off.

Instantly his music became “timeless” and his songs had a deeper meaning (again, I am pointing out my own point of view about the band), and now it is sort of a rite of passage to listen to Nirvana just because you're a rocker kid.

As long as you genuinely like them, then I have nothing but respect for you.

It's just like those Pink Floyd fans that ACTUALLY like the music, as opposed to liking themselves liking the music (a bit of a sketchy phrase, eh?). And what I mean by that is that someone listens to Pink Floyd or Nirvana just because everyone else does...

Does that sound a bit detached from reality? Maybe. But I remember in high school that even I listened to Nirvana purely for the same reason, because everyone else was too.

Plus their music sucks ass. lol

Zath responds back:
Yes, that's the same reason why I was listening to rap in middle school. But the stuff I listened to I actually liked.

Somebody introduced me to Nirvana. But it took me awhile to become obsessed with them.

And I still listen to rap.

Recently, I became a little obsessed with MF Doom. He's the rapper from Danger Doom which you'd probably know about if you watch Adult Swim.

BlindPanzer comments:
I think we are getting off-topic though

The Funk Mistress responds:
Nah, not really, if you think about it. I mean, we're still discussing our various musical tastes. And Zath mentioned Danger Doom, so that's just one more group someone might be getting introduced to.

TornadoChaser comments:
Oooh, this seems like fun.

Lion King Soundtrack
“Hakuna Matata”
Come on, now!

A song that means “no worries for the rest of your days”... I just love the message of it and how it has the ability to put things into perspective.

Paul Engemann
“Push It to the Limit”
I love this song's ability to make me work harder.

I use it a lot when I'm running close to a deadline to help me “push it to the limit”.

Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
“The Throne Room & End Title”
I like this song because it's got a very triumphal feel to it.

It's also got the familiar Star Wars credits music to it and it makes me remember something I enjoy very much.

now back to the blog...

El Gran Combo de Puerto Rico
“Un Verano En Nueva York”
Well.. I don't much enjoy the message of this song (which talks about how the way to have fun is to go hang out in NYC in summer) because I've never really liked New York, but it does remind me that a large part of my culture has found a niche up there and I like the style.

It's also by one of the best salsa groups Puerto Rico has ever had for years and years. So I appreciate that. It reminds me of my family and the authority figures I grew up with in the local Puerto Rican Society.

Brotherhood of the Wolf Soundtrack
“The Fantom” (Joseph LoDuca)
This song is kinda suspenseful mixed with a tribal feel, which I dig.

I like the entire Brotherhood of the Wolf soundtrack, but this just happens to be what came up next. 

So there's my 5 songs.

Most of them were kinda weird. I might try it again, eliminating soundtracks etc.

Still, fun! Thanks, m'lady.


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