The Funk Mistress has this to kilagijupial:
There I go making up words again.
It’s been a while since I last updated, but I’ve been crazy busy, what with school and running a Funk Empire and all. Not to mention maintaining my secret identity as an elementary school copy girl.
I’ve decided (now that I have more time on my hands) I can start work on t-shirts and other RIA memorabilia. The shirts are going to cost a mere $3.00 in addition to the price of the actual shirt (you pick the shirt and tell me what you want it to say and I do the rest).
I’m gonna find out about making stickers and patches later. For now it’s just shirts. Or as those who check the forums might know, underwear as well. But that’s mainly a girl thing. Which means it’s mainly a Funk Mistress thing, seeing as I’m the only girl.
E-mail any orders to me or IM me on AIM.
Stay tuned, because I promise I’m going to write a new RIA FanFic soon. Sure it’s not as cool as a MOVIE, but it’s still a little cool. And cultured too!
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
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