A man grasping his chest.

Super Fly the Wise Guy has this to say:

Well, this plan hasn’t seemed to work.. sure, it’s great that now the board is secure from random jackasses, but ya know what, I think that that was the main purpose of this board of ours, to welcome those otherwise lifeless jerks that would give us a sense of meaning and purpose to live through.. last post was on Halloween..

I don’t enjoy math, but still, 5 days is a long time for this board to go without anything at all.. Though I never come to this board anymore, I do miss the fact that I used to come and check randomly and I could be sure that there would be something new to entertain me by reading it..

I know I’m not alone in thinking that this board is dying.. quickly.. prime investors in RIA have told me such things.. even the girl with the great hair, DinoGirl has said that she’s not gonna be posting anymore, partially as a result of this username/password thing..

Granted, I’m proud that I was given one of the first usernames in order to post on this board, but posting alone doesn’t count for much, especially being that I live over 300 miles away from everyone.. I miss RIA in all it’s greatness, but that greatness seems very long-gone..

Though I see when I go down there that there are still intact friendships amongst the crowd, I know it’s not the same, and it’s sad, but oh well, I’m in no place to judge anything, I’d disconnected mostly from the group over last year, so I’m not one to claim to have tried to keep the ties between us strong, but I just wanted to share my respects for this dying board, and with it, the dying of RIA..

Rebirth is possible, though not probable, and not without very much effort, but new cd’s could be made, and new adventures could be had for all of us spectators to witness, but I regret that I won’t live to see the day of the reunification of what once was RIA in all its glory..

::bows head solemnly::


Super Fly the Wise Guy

Top Comments

BurpingCat responds with this:
Jesus what the hell is up with you people?

DJ Zombenny replies:
Ah yes. the voice of reason kicks in.

A bit late but had to say it.

DJ Hadoken responds with this:
I agree with BurpingCat.

The General replies:
Same here.

DJ Hadoken responds with this:
I think the plan has worked very well, actually. It’s pleasant to go to this board now. It’s not full of insults. If you ask me, I think the board was pretty “dead” a long time ago.. I don’t see long strings of insults as being very alive. Oh it’s a good sign that a lot of people are very angry.. but it’s not very pleasant.

I think RIA is very much alive, seeing as we’ve got a few new people posting since I started the account and password thing. No updates to The Funk, well, because of no time.. heh.

Now if bowing your head solemnly means you’re also going away forever, that makes me upset..

DJ ZOMDOKEN replies:
ZOMBIE BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A woman with undead stylized face paint and glitter.

Super Fly the Wise Guy responds back:
Well, good.. this shows that people do check the board, it seemed to me like people might not have even been coming by, but from the few responses already made, I’m glad to see that I was wrong in judging it as dead.. and I’m not going away anymore forever than what I’ve already done..

::bows head in respect for the response of life::


Super Fly the Wise Guy


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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