Are We Alone?

An image of a shiny, silver flying saucer with a blue sky and clouds in the background.

Are We Alone?
Young Adult Science Op-Ed

Written by Bubba

We all agree, that there is more beyond Earth than just stars and comets.

In fact, we know there are uncountable galaxies lying in the darkness of the universe. Scientists and people alike have seen this so called “beyond” through television. But there are mysteries that not even the mind-blowing technology of today has been able to discover. Mysteries that could change the way we see the world and what is around it.

Could it be possible that light years away, somewhere deep in the universe, there are planets that sustain life? Is it possible that the technology that we humans have become so dependent on, like water is to plants, be failing us? Could our own satellites be missing the one thing that has boggled the minds of scientists and people for decades? Is there a possibility that life exists somewhere other than on Earth? As simple as it is to steal candy from a baby, I respond to this question with a “yes”.

Consider this: In July of 1947, in the town of Corona (near Roswell), New Mexico, something happened that I believe changed the whole way people look at outer space. This incident not only did that, but also changed the complete outlook on how certain individuals viewed extraterrestrials.

It was at this small town where an unidentified flying object came crashing down and where its wreckage was found. Following this event, news spread that a crashed spacecraft had been recovered and that an alien was discovered among the wreckage. Before long, the whole world became aware of this and the media surrounded the place like flies on a dead carcass.

The government denied it, but evidence from eyewitnesses accounts and video recordings proved their denial to be wrong. Why did the government deny it? When there is solid evidence that this event, in fact, did occur. I believe it is for the simple fact that the whole world is not ready for it. We humans tend to fear the unknown.

I myself, could see why people usually brush this topic aside and deny the existence of aliens. There are a lot of people who claim to have seen aliens. In fact, some go as far as saying that they have been abducted by them. The truth of the matter is that most of them are deceivers just looking for their “fifteen minutes of fame”. But if you look in the right places, there are some who are, in fact, saying the truth.

The modern history of the abduction phenomenon began in 1961 with the case of Betty and Barney Hill. The couple claimed that one night, while driving home to New Hampshire from a trip to Montreal, they saw a UFO and then realized that there were a couple of hours afterward that they could not account for.

Following this event, Barney suffered from insomnia and Betty had frequent nightmares. After two years of experiencing these conditions, they reluctantly sought help from a psychiatrist named Benjamin Simon. Other than the anxieties they were experiencing related to the incident, Dr. Simon reported no psychiatric illness in either of them.

Using hypnosis, Dr. Simon uncovered details of what happened during the missing hours of which they had no conscious recollection. In separate hypnosis sessions, the Hills each reported being taken out of their car and into a craft against their will by “small, gray, humanoid beings with unusual eyes” that communicated telepathically.

Inside the craft, they were placed on a table, and various tests and procedures were performed on them that seemed to focus on the reproductive organs. The Hills initially were reluctant to believe that this actually occurred. “I wish I could think it was a hallucination,” Barney told Dr. Simon.

Since then, thousands of other surprisingly similar abduction cases have emerged around the world.

Imagine this, going to the beach and picking up one grain of sand. Now compare this tiny, almost microscopic, grain of sand to Earth. That is the size of our solar system compared to our galaxy. Still do not know quite what I mean? I mean that just by size comparison, it is almost ignorant not to believe there is life somewhere else.

Maybe in our solar system we are the only forms of life. But there is no question about it. In a galaxy so big, it is impossible to think that we are the only ones to exist. What about the whole universe? Who knows how enormous the universe is, and how many galaxies it contains? Earth is just a microscopic dot in this galaxy, and I believe that several forms of life bloom all over, all around this universe.

As humans, it is only “socially acceptable” for us to think of the existence of aliens to be a joke. In reality, why do we think like this? Could it be that in the back of our minds, we fear their possible superiority? Has Hollywood, in our mind, portrayed a false image of little green men, and their goal to take over Earth?

Only time can be the deciding factor in this question, but are we ready?


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