DJ Wang has this to say:
Yesterday was not just crazy, it was crazy-cool.
DJ Hadoken, DJ Fuji, DJ Benvenuto, DJ Real (from The Poss), Guy the Manager, and myself went down to the principle’s office to try and get some info on the Taiwan Sensei (the Grenade-Throwing Japanese Language Instructor from Taiwan) situation.
The principle was nice enough, but she was in grave danger...
The danger is an artificial branch of the werewolf disease that causes a certain transformation.
Everyday at 12:15 pm the device implanted into our spines causes us to carry out a re-enactment of the Broadway production known as West Side Story.
We get into some heavy crazy-cool, Sharks vs Jets, nonstop "air pokin’" frenzy.
Even people remotely close in proximity to RIA cannot control themselves and enter a crazy-cool rage.
The office was still no place for a gang fight. We managed to end the meeting sharply at 12:12 pm by flipping the principle’s desk over and turning all her awards into little origami robots.
We proceeded back to our territory and commenced pre-programmed chaos.
A short 48 seconds later the insanity ended and we all decided to play it cool.
Until tomorrow...
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
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