V for Vendetta (2006) Poll

A teaser poster for the movie "V for Vendetta" featuring Hugo Weaving and Natalie Portman.

V for Vendetta
(A RIAfunk.com Forums Poll)

Are you excited to see V for Vendetta?

Yes : 33% [ 2 ]
No : 16% [ 1 ]
I don’t know : 50% [ 3 ]

Total Votes : 6

BlindPanzer has this to say:

Anybody excited to see this movie?

I saw from the previews that they changed a couple of things from the comic book, but beyond that it still looks like it has the “spirit” of the Alan Moore classic.

Top Comments

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments:
I’m more excited about Lee for Vendetta.

TornadoChaser comments:
I am very excited!

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) comments again:
I heard there’s shoelaces in that movie.
Hopefully that’s true.

BlindPanzer comments:
I’ll post two nonsense posts...

BlindPanzer comments again:
To even out your two.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis comments:

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis comments again:

BlindPanzer comments:
two more...

BlindPanzer comments again:
Moderating this forum must be the easiest thing ever.... because it’s nonexistent.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis comments:
Hey stay on topic you dirtbags DJ Benvenuto do you want to get flamed


DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis comments again:
Zath where are YOU!

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis comments again:
I am Zath tell me to come over

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis comments again:
No, I am not excited about seeing this movie because I’ve never heard of the comic to begin with, and from what I’ve seen, it doesn’t look too great either. Looks like the same nonsense action like Ultraviolet and Aeon Flux and Brothers Grimm.

For something to be a “classic” I’d think more people would have been talking about it since before the movie was even made. But now that the movie is just about to come out, people at my school are like, “Oh yeah, Vendetta, oh yeah that’s so great, the comics are just amazing, wow!”

If you ask me, I think if the comics were so great I would have heard people talking about it from a LONG time ago, not 3 days before the movie comes out. And I know that in two weeks nobody will even mention it again.

At least X-Men has the saving grace that people have been buzzing about it for years.. so you know at least that can be related to a “classic”.

So no, sorry.

And don’t go flaming me like you’re some hardcore Vendetta fan yourself BlindPanzer, because I’ve never heard you mention it once in all the years I’ve known you. Bringing it up right when the movie comes out doesn’t count either.

I’ll give you Batman since I know you love Batman, but not Vendetta.



now back to the blog...

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:
Oh boy.

As a hardcore Garfield fan, I’m ashamed of all of you.

Zath comments:
Hay guys! What’s going on in this thread?

I picked ’I don’t know’ because I really don’t know. I don’t know what to expect since I’ve never read the comic.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:
Yeah, me too. I remember reading about it back in the days when I used to read Wizard but that’s pretty much it. Haven’t paid attention to the commercials or trailers.

Aquamarine on the other hand....

BlindPanzer comments:

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis wrote:
Looks like the same nonsense action like Ultraviolet and Aeon Flux and Brothers Grimm.

Ok, if anything this would be your only valid point, basically because it is your opinion of how it looks, as opposed to the rest of your argument which basically rests in the “lack of knowledge” you have of the genre.

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis wrote:
For something to be a “classic” I’d think more people would have been talking about it since before the movie was even made. But now that the movie is just about to come out people at my school are like, “Oh yeah, Vendetta, oh yeah that’s so great, the comics are just amazing, wow!”

Well it’s nice to know that for something to be a classic it has to be popular.

I think you should have put a little more thought behind this argument. From what I understand, you think a more general audience is needed for it to be a classic. You being an anime fan should know that popularity (of the main stream audience) and quality are not correlated.

You love Initial D, yet it goes unnoticed by most people (who are not anime fans). You speak to anyone who knows their sh*t about comic books (for a mature serious reader) and they will give you the tri-force of the late 80’s / early 90’s of comic book writers: Frank Miller, Neil Gaiman, and Alan Moore.

These three writers made the comic book genre as we know it mature enough for older audiences. Frank Miller with The Dark Knight Returns, Batman Year One, and later with Sin City; Neil Gaiman recreated the silver age Sandman, into a more mature Sandman (and I will be the first one to tell you I haven’t read that series but I bought a couple of issues to finally start reading it); and finally Alan Moore who created Watchmen, V for Vendetta, the best Swamp Thing run (haven’t read it either), From Hell, Batman: The Killing Joke, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

I know what you are thinking, “FROM HELL? LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN?! THOSE MOVIES SUCK!” Yeah they do, they suck quite a lot but they are nothing like the comics.

I have read From Hell, and it is amazing. All those titles I’ve mentioned for Alan Moore would be career peaks. If a writer wrote a single one he would have his place in genre history, yet the man has written so many great books.

So getting back into subject, anybody that knows comics knows those names (or at least 2 out of 3).

Just because of the lack of knowledge in part of the mainstream audience doesn’t mean it’s a classic or not. Even if V for Vendetta (movie) sucks, the comic book will still be considered a classic.

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis wrote:
If you ask me, I think if the comics were so great I would have heard people talking about it from a LONG time ago, not 3 days before the movie comes out. And I know that in two weeks nobody will even mention it again.

Ummm... refer to my point above. A lot of cinema classics are forgotten / unheard of by the general public, yet they are considered classics in their own respects.

I don’t know about video games, but I think there would be some “classics” that went unnoticed by the general public.

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis wrote:
At least X-Men has the saving grace that people have been buzzing about it for years.. so you know at least that can be related to a “classic”.

Sigh. Ok, X-Men, the comic book, might have been groundbreaking but they are far from classic. I think their golden age came in the 80’s.

The writing on the new X-Men is as bad as the regular Batman run (save for a couple of good writer runs). So a translation of a semi-good comic book series (X-Men), to some decent movies (X1 and X2) is good but not classic.

And I hold Hulk pretty high in my comic book movie list, but it’s no classic.

now back to the blog...

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis wrote:
And don’t go flaming me like you’re some hardcore Vendetta fan yourself BlindPanzer, because I’ve never heard you mention it once in all the years I’ve known you. Bringing it up right when the movie comes out doesn’t count either.

I’ll give you Batman since I know you love Batman, but not Vendetta.

Ahh... my favorite post.

Would anyone have paid attention to this thread (even though there wasn’t much attention paid either way with all these nonsense posts) if I would have posted it 3 months / 6 months / a year ago?

I like Alan Moore, I think Watchmen is the greatest comic book ever written (and no comic will ever beat it). Look up Watchmen, every review always mentions another comic book, V for Vendetta, you can’t hear about one without the other.

DJ Hadoken, did you also know I read the JLA comics? Or 100 bullets? Or Judge Dredd? Nope... just because I don’t talk about them doesn’t mean that I don’t like them.

I LOVE 100 Bullets, yet I don’t think I’ve ever told anyone about it. This is the first I say about it. I’m just so vocal about my Batman obsession because I think that it’s the greatest comic book hero ever created.

But just because you haven’t heard me talking about it doesn’t mean that I’ve never read it or that I’m a fan of it or not... From now on, I guess I need to keep tabs on myself and let you know of everything I’m doing.

If you p’zownd me then I p’bear-hugged you.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:
Speaking of Wizard, I’d say there’s a Wizard reader in the house here. As far as I know he’s not, but were it the early or mid 90’s he probably would be.

Days of Future Past anybody? What about the Acolytes and Asteroid M?

Anyway, I’m going to go play Magic: The Gathering and by play I mean not play because I never got into that game.

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis comments:

BlindPanzer wrote:
Just because of the lack of knowledge in part of the mainstream audience doesn’t mean it’s a classic or not.
if you p’zownd me then I p’bear-hugged you.

Damn, BlindPanzer. I learned a lot about you in that post. I didn’t know you were such a hardcore comic book nerd.

Now I have a better idea of what kind of stuff to get you for your birthday. Yes, you definitely p’bear-hugged me, but I still p’zoned you first.


BlindPanzer comments:
I’m not a hardcore comic book nerd, I still have to look at reviews to see what to read and what not to read. A lot of the Judge Dredd comics aren’t that great (the beginning ones) or maybe it’s too British.

And I know DJ Benny didn’t like my post (he told me) but I find that forums are a good place for constructive arguments, I know he thinks it’s mainly to write a nonsense post a day... you say Volcano, I say Vol-CAH-no...

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:
When asked a question it’s best to answer honestly and about the other part; that’s not quite my stance.

Remember, “Be a light unto yourself”.

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis comments:
Oh this is so touching.. We are bonding *wipes tear from eye*
I love you guys. *sniff* Where’s Zath?

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:
Yeah Zath. Where are you? Come on. Join in. I’ll share something about myself... I watch Saved by the Bell. So does BlindPanzer.

Zath comments:
They should make The Goon into a movie. I mean, I’ve read only the first issue plus the first 4 to 6 pages of all the other issues (’cause that’s all they had on the website) and I’m hooked. I’m gonna start buying the issues but I wanted to see if they’re were any in the local anime shop. But they moved! WTF?

As for V for Vendetta, I’ll say this. I’m not too psyched about it because it’s an action hero movie (well, that is what I got from the commercials). I dunno, I’m getting tired of them. But at least it’s about something different (the whole standing up to your own government thing). I’m curious about that part for sure.

now back to the blog...

RockRanger comments:
On the Spider-Man Shoelaces thread, DJ Hadoken, you posted this:

At least the Spider-Man movies are better than those terrible X-Men movies... oh my goodness..

SO I guess like stated before, your measure of a classic is on popular acceptance rather than your opinion of its quality.

I’ll be witness that BlindPanzer has been a long time Alan Moore fan, and as far as my excitement towards watching this film (trying to stay on topic) I am not too excited on seeing this film. This is judging on commercials and buzz I’ve heard, but my interest in film is usually tied to my interest in source material (I have not read the comic) or critical reviews of the movie (usually Ebert), but I’ve sometimes crossed those lines.

My two cents.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:
Hey preppie.

RockRanger comments:
It’s getting good reviews... Interest rising....

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:
Your bank interest? WOOOOAH

DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis comments:
I saw V for Vendetta. My opinion of it is now even lower than it was before I saw the movie.

DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon II (With the Funny Hat) responds:


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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