DJ Hadoken Exlamparaaghis has this to say:
Been a pretty busy month, traffic-wise. 72 people added us to their favorites this month, which is much more than usual. Looks like DJ Benny and BurpingCat’s trip to this year’s Yasumicon (check out the ’03 trip here) paid off! I guess this means I should start updating the site more frequently if more people are coming... heh..
If you’re new to The Funk, I’d like to say thanks for adding us to your favorites! You rock, and also, the layout of this page is kind of crazy, so be sure to look at the top of the screen too, since you will find a fan art section, along with other sections in the little squares at the top right of your screen!
Thanks again for taking some time out to look at our site!
Now as for RIAfunk news, though I haven’t had much time to work on Climbing Arc in the past week or so, I’ve still been doing RIA stuff. Well, I usually am, since a lot of my school assignments end up being RIA-related somehow. I thought I’d scan a few sketches I made so that you all could see what my school-life is like.
Time for bed. Good night.
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
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