
Song & Lyrics

Lyrics are original by Kewl Kat.
The beat is a midi version of Dr. Dre’s “The Next Episode”.

Stay away from vegetables.


Vegetables are the evil of society
Don’t eat veggies though
Cuz if you eat ‘em
The western society will crumble as we know it

Carrots are bad
Carrots are what’s made by communists
Cabbages are doo-doo from a different country
So that ain’t good

Yo, yo

The bananas contain something unexpected
So if you eat ‘em
You’ll become a lamester in a minute

Yo, yo

Veggies are made by the funkin’ communist society
I don’t know which ones are veggies or which are fruits
But yo, don’t eat none of that
Cuz yo
The funking communists will brainwash your mind
They brainwashed mine with the carrot
And they’ll brainwash yours with the cabbage

Cuz the communists only got one plan
To take over the mother funkin’ world
But I’m the mother funking Southern Cowboy
I ain’t gonna let them mother funking take over

Cuz I know how I do it
I represent for the mother funking free world
And I scream
Funk the communists!
Funk everybody!
Funk the RIA Army!
Funk me!
Funk everybody else!

Because it’s only the Kewl mother funking Kat
And his mother funking mic, ruling!
Cuz that’s how I do it
24-7 up in here
Kewl Kat and the mother funking mics
That’s how I do it, 24-7
Kewl Kat

Yo! Yo!
Kewl Kat bring it!

Here I come! Here I come!
I bring the power, I bring the noise
Cuz without me the party ain’t no fun
Cuz I’m the Kewl to the mother funking Kat
I get on the mic and I rhyme like a rumble
When I get on the mic all the buildings crumble

Cuz it’s crime for me rappin’
Cuz I let everybody down
Cuz everybody can’t compete with me
Cuz I’m fastest! Rapping!
Fastest rapping than anybody else you ever met
Cuz they call me the Kewl to the mother funking Kat

Yo! Yo, yo, yo!
Southern Cowboy, do it!

Yo, they call me the Southern Cowboy
AND I’LL #### YOU!

You don’t mess with me!
You don’t mess with my homies!
Cuz I’m the Kewl... Southern Cowboy
I’m the southern!
And I’m proud to be from the SOUTH!

I’m Southern Cowboy!
I carry a machete
And I carry a sable
I don’t carry no ####
I’ll fight you like Cain and Abel!

Yo! Yo! Yo!
I ride in a pickup truck
Not like the mother funking Kewl Kat
That he rides in a Bentley
I ride in a truck
And I’m redneck
And I drink beer like ain’t crazy

So represent it!
Represent it southern states! 24-7!
Up in here! Up in here!

Kewl Kat and Southern Cowboy foreva’!
We’re the same mother funkers
So don’t laugh!

Yo, yo
Bowling Green! Money in Birmingham! Montgomery!
Panama City! Yo, Gainesville! Savannah!
Alamo! Charlestown! Charlotte!
We love you! 24-7!

Southern states! Southern Cowboy!
The RIA Army! Ohio Poss!

Peace mother funkers!

Lyrics by
Kewl Kat
(a.k.a. Southern Cowboy)

Sung by
Kewl Kat

Special Thanks
DJ Hadoken, DJ Firestarter

Beat Credits
A midi version of Dr. Dre’s “The Next Episode.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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