Lonely Boy has this to say:
Hello Journal or Diary... or whatever it is I should call you. I guess I’ll call you diary. I’ve never had a diary before so you must excuse my awkwardness.
Ever since my mom gave me this laptop for Christmas I had been toying with the idea of keeping a diary. Life can get so frustrating. I hope that by writing my problems down I can get a better grip of my life.
People can be so cruel and ruthless. Everybody’s a lamester, including my father. I only have one person that I could even call a friend and I still don’t trust him completely.
My mother tries so hard yet she still fails to keep our family together. There’s always beer in the fridge and I always end up getting totally wasted to sleep on those nights. If only I could get away from it all I think I would feel much better. If only I could leave everything.
Unfortunately, I am mondo bogus. I’m sure someone out there would understand, but no one here does. This is my only outlet. This computer diary is my last chance to keep myself from falling apart.
I think I feel better... is that possible? I think I will write everyday.
You’re the only one that listens... the only one that I can talk to.
I think I’m happy... that is until I get to school.
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
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