DJ Wang the defender of squeaky toys has this to squeak:
Well, business class is business class today...
I just finished doing a worksheet that was supposed to tell me what a stressed out person I’m supposed to be.
I took the little test and it was, for the most part, right. The reason for my stress is Pretty Boy. I was shocked... well, not really. Well, kind of. Seeing his name forced me to stick a fork in an electrical outlet.
We had to summarize our results and as we discussed in class, some guy behind me said that one of the lunch ladies was the reason for his stress. He even titled his summary as, "Pizza Lady Be Buggin’". Now that is a title.
Next, I go to chemistry class... I wonder what’s going to happen then. I’ll probably just see Guy the Manager and DJ Hadoken trying to get more loyal supporters.
We need every RIA zealot we can get. Another number closer to 350 and then it’s religion time! Oh yeah! Tax-free church write off.
I heard that churches don’t make much money other than donations. So we should build an army of robots.
With the help of Guy the Manager and Meta-Guy we could build an unstoppable militia of robots to help subsidize our meager church income of $0.00. They could rob liquor stores and mug old people.
Those old people, they always have money or pills on them. And robots love pills. But the power source of the robots could be expensive so I decided that they should run on hugs.
Just imagine a large metallic beast walking your way. You think he is going to beat you up but he just gives you a hug. You can’t escape because they have those metal claws and robots are strong.
While the robot is giving you this deadly embrace, he may bear hug you into the next century or maybe he will just steal your wallet. Or both. Because robots are strong. And have no sense of decency.
That’s why they don’t wear pants. They let the metallic genitalia scrape across the ground setting off sparks leaving a blazing trail behind them.
Time for me to go to chemistry class...
I’ll finish this later.
More robot news to come.
=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=
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