Terpsichorean Dexterity

A stylized image of the silhouettes of some women dancing in a club-like atmosphere, with disco balls, bright lights, and neon letters in the background.

DJ Hadoken has this to say:

I went to the mall yesterday with DJ Skittles, DJ Benvenuto the Raccoon, DJ Wang, Guy the Manager and Super Fly the Wise Guy.

Well, to correct myself, I’ll say we went to Dance Dance Revolution yesterday. We charged up our game cards and we put in all of our credits into the machine, that way we could be legal machine-hoggers.

These little girls’ father got mad at us ’cuz Guy jumped in on their game and kicked them off. It wasn’t our fault, we swear. You can’t mess with Guy and his DDR skillz. Yo.

DJ Benvenuto and I came up with a saying that suits Guy just right... it’s:

“You can’t beat Guy unless you’re really AGILE.”

DJ Wang came up with three new difficulty settings for DDR, they are:


Super Fly the Wise Guy is so ARRHYTHMIC that he’s DEXTERIOUS. Unfortunately, I am the most CHOROPHOBIC of them all. DJ Wang has just a little less ARRHYTHM than I. DJ Benvenuto is more SUAVE. Guy is just plain UNDOUBTEDLY FULL OF TERPSICHOREAN DEXTERITY.

The only song we played was “So Many Men”.

We have come up with a plan. We are going to master the steps to “So Many Men”, then go to Japan and challenge their best dancers to DDR. They will defeat us horribly; but then we will choose “So Many Men”, and we will demolish them. Thus, ruining their honor, leading them to run away crying like little lamesters for being “too lame” to play “So Many Men”.

Along with our daily West Side Story re-enactments, we now announce that we are going to have a daily “So Many Men” re-enactment.

You can’t miss it!

That is all.


=^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^= =^..^=




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