Colin Powell Word Find and More!!

A stylized portrait photo of the famous United States historical figure, Colin Powell.

Colin Powell Word Find and More!!
United States History

Created by DJ Hadoken


“There’s no substitute for it - hard work.”

This motto means that things must be achieved through hard work and that you must try your best to achieve your goals in life.

Let’s spell his name with FACTS!

C ourageous.
O utspoken.
L eader.
I nspirational.
N ational Hero.

P owerful Influence.
O utstanding Achiever.
W orked for the White House.
E xperienced.
L iked to fix cars.
L oved the Army.

Try to find some words related to Colin Powell!

A word find featuring vocabulary words related to Colin Powell.

Word Find Hints

He was courageous.
He is an inspirational person.
He has been a political leader.
He is a national hero.
He was an experienced soldier.
He was a powerful influence.
He was hard working.
He was determined.
He was a good speaker.
He was influential.

Questions for Colin Powell

What made you interested in the Army?

What advice would you give children today?

How satisfied are you with your life?

What would you have done differently with your life?

What was it like working in the White House?

What was it like being in wars?

What was it like working with the president?

How did you feel every time you were promoted?

What is your view on racism?

What else do you want to accomplish?


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